发布于2018-03-13 宝宝1个月24天时
珍惜时光 我经历了好几种生产方式,打催产两天,人工破水,最后还是剖腹产。在宝宝出生的那一刻,我正经历着剥胎盘,抽血,失血到想吐。但是听到宝宝哭的一刹那,泪流满面。住院时,伤口疼,只能在病床上看着大家围着宝宝拍照,我像一个旁观者,不能亲手抱抱他。甚至连看他一眼都很费力气。剖腹产要闯关,拔尿管排尿,排气,排便……每一关每一次起床去厕所都疼痛无比。以为他吸奶就会跟宝宝建立起联系,心心念着终于输完了几天的液,然而开奶的疼痛跟宫缩疼有的一比。不管怎样,现在宝宝快两个月了,每次跟他交流都能发现他眼里对我的爱和信任。我也从宝宝身上学到很多等待的耐心。每次拥他入怀,都想时间慢一点。在他难受自己也快崩溃时,会一直用这首the last time 诗歌鼓励自己,珍惜时光。 我也一直跟宝宝爸爸讲这首诗歌,告诉他:电视剧可以找时间在网上看,游戏可以无限次找其他时间玩儿,而孩子的成长只有一次,每天的变化都很大,错过了就真的错过了。宝宝爸爸也会对王者荣耀装了又卸,也会放下电视剧来屋里抱着宝宝睡。现在晚上基本都是他接过最后一棒,抱着宝宝入睡,等待他进去入深睡眠。一天他跟宝宝说:爸爸以后就这样抱着你入睡,直到抱不动你的那一天。我泪流满面。 分享如下。 From the moment you hold your baby in your arms, You will never be the same. You might long for the person you were before, When you have freedom and time, And nothing in particular to worry about. You will know tiredness like you never knew it before, Days will run into days that are exactly the same, Full of feedings and burping, Nappy changes and crying, Whining and fighting, Naps or a lack of naps, It might seem like a never-ending cycle. But don't forget . . . There is a last time for everything. There will come a time when you will feed your baby for the very last time. They will fall asleep on you after a long day And it will be the last time you ever hold your sleeping child. One day you will carry them on your hip, Then set them down, And never pick them up that way again. You will scrub their hair in the bath one night And from that day on they will want to bathe alone. They will hold your hand to cross the road, Then never reach for it again. They will creep into your room at midnight for cuddles, And it will be the last night you ever wake to this. One afternoon you will sing "the wheels on the bus" and do all the actions, Then never sing them that song again. They will kiss you goodbye at the school gate, The next day they will ask to walk to the gate alone. You will read a final bedtime story and wipe your last dirty face. They will run to you with arms raised, For the very last time. The thing is, you won't even know it's the last time Until there are no more times, and even then, It will take you a while to realize. So while you are living in these times, Remember there are only so many of them and when they are gone, You will yearn for just one more day of them. For one last time. 从你把孩子抱在怀里的那一刻起,你不再是以前的那个你。 或许你渴望做回以前的自己,那个拥有自由和大把时间、无忧无虑的自己。 时间一天又一天的过去,与过去并无差异,而你却感受到了前所未有的疲惫。 生活被给孩子喂奶、孩子打饱嗝、给孩子换尿布、孩子的哭声、抱怨和打斗充满,有时打个盹儿,有时完全缺乏睡眠,就像是一个无限循环。 但别忘了…… 所有的一切都会有结束的一天。 当你最后一次喂孩子的时候,它将要到来。 当孩子趴在你身上睡熟时,这将是你最后一次把熟睡的孩子抱在怀里。 某一天你用髋部载着他们,然后放下,然后不再用这种方式载他们。 一天晚上,在给他们洗澡时,你用力擦洗他们的头发,从此他们想要独自洗澡。 他们会牵着你的手过马路,然后不再牵你的手。 他们会在半夜悄悄溜进你的房间拥抱你,这也是你最后一次因为这个原因在半夜醒来。 某个下午,你在会做动作边唱着“公车轮子~~” 然后不再给他们唱这首童谣。 他们将在校门口给你一个离别吻,然后第二天请求自己去学校。 你会给他们讲最后一个睡前故事,讲完才去洗洗自己的灰头土脸。 他们会张开双臂跑向你,最后一次。 重点是,你甚至不会知道那是最后一次直到它不再发生。 同时,它需要一些时间去发觉。 所以,享受当下吧!记住他们就只有这么多,他们走了之后,你又会渴望多一天和他们在一起的时间。 最后一次。