发布于2018-06-12 宝宝1岁9个月7天时
1、YaoYao is sitting on my lap 。垚坐在我大腿上。 2、Who gave you the peach 🍑? A policeman. 谁给你这个桃子?一位警察。 3、This is the elevator, that is the escalator. 这个是直梯,那个是扶梯。 4、YaoYao and my shadow. 垚垚和我的影子。 5、YaoYao’s shadow and mine. 垚垚的影子和我的影子。 6、this is a bus station. Which buses stop here? Buses B1 and B16 will stop at this station. 这是一个公交车站,哪几路车在这停呢?B1 和B16在这个站停。 7、Look up, one ,two ,three ,four , there are four birds in the cage. Look down, there is a lemon on the floor. 向上看,一二三四,笼子里有四只小鸟。朝下看,地上有只柠檬。 8、Doggie and bunny .小狗和小兔子 9、turn on the tap, wash your hands, turn off the tap. 打开水笼头,洗手,关上水龙头。 😂😂😂😂,我现在是二十一个月小孩的英语水平,没关系,慢慢来,我不着急,每天学习一点,能赶上小垚的进度就行。😜