发布于2018-07-05 宝宝1岁10个月1天时
图一:The cicada pupa that I caught last night became a cicada, it sloughed and flew away, only leave a shell. 图二三:Amaranth eggs pancake, is it a little too big? 😂this was the breakfast for both of us, each of us had half. of course, besides that, YaoYao had 250 ml of milk. 图四五六:Books without words, but I magically got it, hope YaoYao could also read these books and enjoy them. 图七八:Come on, let’s review the word again: vaccination. I was going to take YaoYao to get a vaccination. 图九:On the way home from the hospital, YaoYao play on the toy car, and doesn’t leave no matter what. 垚是我学习英语的好道具,是的,我说的不一定对,但是说错也比不说强,欢迎各位来纠错。the more mistakes I make, the more progress I will make.